The exhibition Between Thuja and Lilac contains of paintings from Skredhaugen Museum in Hardanger, made during a series of trips winter and spring 2020. After the corona lockdown the painting-travels continued in my own garden in Drammen, depicting flowers, herbs, overviews and portraying a goat and Lars.
Suported by BKV, Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond.
Karantene (valmue, peoner og iris før regnet). 30x40cm. Oil on canvas. 2020.
Karantene (rogner, kompostbingen og prydgress i tungt regn). 34×27. Oil on canvas. 2020.
The premises for the exhibition were a dialogue between my works and works from the museum’s art collection, consisting of Norwegian plen-air painting from the last century. The project and exhibition is part 1 in a three part dialouge exhibition, intialized and curated by the artist Lars Korff Lofthus and co-produced by Hardanger and Voss Museum. The project is also supported by Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond. Sørensen 1951 and Patrik Entian 2020.
Karantene (fenrikshjerter og storkenebb mellom valmue og peon, Drammen). Oil on canvas. 27x34cm. 2020.
Paintings made in my garden in Drammen during corona- lockdown, June 2020.
Patrik Entian 2020 and Henrik Sørensen (unknown year probably around 1950)
Tujaen ved Grevehuset i februaregn. 70x111cm. Oil on canvas. 2020.
Paintings made at Skredhaugen Museum winter and spring 2020.
Harald Khile 1950 and Patrik Entian 2020.
Exhibition view from Skredhaugen Museum in Lofthus, summer 2020.
Karantene (peoner og valmue etter regnet). Oil on canvas. 27 x 34 cm. 2020.