A selection of large-sized paintings made during the research project Looking for Painting (2007-2011) in the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme. http://artistic-research.no/?lang=en
The paintings are based on webcam images from a webcamera standing in Atka Bay (now taken down) run by researchers at the Neumayer Station in Antarctica http://www.awi.de/en/expedition/stations/neumayer-station-iii.html
They were made as form of indoor plen-air painting from the studio at Bergen Art Academy (2007-11), and continued after this in the studio at Flaggfabrikken in Bergen (2012-13) just up to the show Looking south – Looking for Painting at Trondheim Art Museum in February 2013.
The motives circle around clear sunrises-sunsets, night-day, horizons, fog, white-out snowstorms and distorted webcam images. The project deals with problems as distance, precense, time, velocity and how to materialize this in painting.
In the latter works (2012-13) the webcam motives gets more and more mixed with motives based on the sky seen through my skylight in my studio at Flaggfabrikken. Inspired of sky studies by romantic painters, weather research and a need to lift my view from the computer screen and to my real surroundings.
See catalog for the exhibition Looking South – Looking for Painting at Trondheim Art Museum on pdf here: tkm-entian-2 and the Art Museums webpage for the exhibition here: http://trondheimkunstmuseum.no/en/events/patrik-entian-2/
All paintings below has the size 111 x 245 cm (same format as the webcam image).
00.55 31.03 2009. Pigment, rabbitskin glue, dry pastels and graphite on mdf-board.
01.55 15.03 2008. Oilpaint and beeswax on mdf-board.
7.55AM June 13th 2009. Oil and beeswax on mdf-board.
5.55AM June 13th 2009. Oil and beeswax on mdf-board.
07.55 11.06 2008. Oil on mdf-board.
05.55 26.03 2009. Oil on acrylic glass.
15.05 03.08 2011. Oil on acrylic glass.
Noise 1 ( A sudden memory of Ulla Sjöblom). Pigments, rabbitskin glue and oil pastels on mdf-board.
Noise 2 ( A sudden memory of Lars Forssell). Pigments, rabbitskin glue and oil pastels on mdf-board.
23.05 03.08 2011. Oil on acrylic glass.
21.50 09.08 2011. Pigments, graphite powder and graphite pencil on mdf-board.
02.35 13.08 2011. Oil on acrylic glass.
0.55 31.03 2009. Pigments, graphite powder and graphite pencil on mdf-board.
20.55 03.04 2011. Pigments, graphite powder and graphite pencil on mdf-board.
22nd December 2012 at 10.15 – light chases dark. Begen – Antarctica. Oil on acrylic glass.
26th Dec 2012 around noon – sunlight through the clouds blinds camera. Oil and beeswax on mdf-board.
May 3rd 2011, 10.25 – morning sun breaks the fog. Oil and beeswax on mdf-board.
Black Horizon. Oil and beeswax on mdf-board.
11th June 2011 at 16.55 – sloping horizon, very cold moonlit night. Oil and beeswax on mdf-board.
12th June 2011 at 17.35 – sloping horizon, very clear. Oil and beeswax on mdf-board.
29th Dec 2012. Bergen – Antarctica. Around noon, gloomy. Oil on acrylic glass.
March 23rd 2010. High horizon, crystal clear afternoon at 17.55. Webcamera tilting downwards. Oil and beeswax on mdf-board.
March 25th 2010. Overcast but clear. High horizon. Oil and beeswax on mdf-board.
23.15 03.08 2011. Oil on acrylic glass.
11th October 2012 – 4th Jan 2013, Designing – Disbanding (part 1 in diptych). Oil on acrylic glass.
11th October 2012 – 4th Jan 2013, Designing – Disbanding (part 2 in diptych). Oil on acrylic glass.
For further reading see the critical reflection text Looking for Painting by Patrik Entian here (only avaible in swedish): http://halvekongeriket.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Entian-Kritisk-refleksjon.